Barbara and Michael ONeill Book Collection
SUSTAIN ME – Barbara O’Neill
Do you ever feel drained of energy, as if your body is breaking down or not working to its full potential?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with problems and illness?
Regain control of your health and learn to work with the natural healing forces God created to maintain equilibrium and prevent disease.
The body, and the body only, has the power to heal, and it will, if given the right conditions.
Backed by decades of research and practice, Barbara O’Neill shares these nine simple foundational health pillars, that form the acronym SUSTAIN ME.
This book isn’t about quick-fix solutions. It’s about lifestyle changes designed to give your body all it needs for optimal health and the opportunity to enjoy life.
Barbara’s experience, knowledge and common sense style of lecturing have made her a popular and sought after speaker. This easy to read book is packed with information that enables the reader to intelligently embrace a new lifestyle. This works with the body’s amazing ability to heal itself, when given the right conditions. The body can self heal by its very design. You can design a program that will enable the body to do the very thing it was made to do – heal itself.
How could a 66 year old grandmother, who gave her life to helping people with their health, become the subject of a malicious smear campaign which resulted in her being classified as a serious threat to public health in Australia???
In the absence of a single case of actual harm, the Health Care Complaints Commission of New South Wales theorized potential harm could arise if people followed Barbara’s health advice.
The Assassination of Barbara O’Neill exposes the hypocrisy of the organization Friends of Science in Medicine who act as “friends of science,” but are in reality pharmaceutical apologists and the “Enemies of Truth in Medical Science.” Barbara became collateral damage in the war on any dissent from mainstream medical Dogma.
Barbara and Michael ONeill Book Collection
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